Getting your events featured on hallway flatscreens

Thanks to the English Deptartment’s Anne Donlon for the instructions below:

You may have seen the email from Jane Trombley in Communications & Marketing announcing the newdigital signage launch, and you may have noticed the flatscreens going up around the building. Communications has published a page on the website with the templates for fliers and information on the process of getting things posted:—M…. The screens that will be in the lobby, and the screens that are in the glass display cases on each floor are managed by Communications. They have stated that anyone will be able to post fliers on these screens, as long as they use the template provided and provide the necessary information. In addition, there are other screens throughout the building with oth er “owners.” This information is charted on the webpage, linked above. Students and other members of the community will have to contact each “owner” separately if they want their fliers to appear on those screens.

The DSC is the “primary owner” for three of the screens on the 5th floor (two in the DSC hallways, and one outside of 5409). Our policy is currently a work in progress, and I’m sure it will evolve depending on the demand for screen time. Currently, we’ll proceed as follows:

Email your flier to
Fliers must be sent at least 3 business days before it is to be added to the rotation.
Fliers must be sent as a powerpoint file using the correct vertical template, provided on the Communications site, and attached.
Each flier should include relevant information, including, for example, place, time, contact information for a given event.
The sender must include a start and end date of when they want the flier to appear.

Each flier has to be individually added and removed from the powerpoint rotation in real time–it’s not at all automated–so please allow for some flex time when you make your request.

Finally, if you have comments on the digital signage project, Communications & Marketing has set up this email