5/8 Grad Council meeting recap

by Sarah Kostecki and Kristofer Petersen-Overton

Meeting Agenda

I.               Approval of the minutes: March 6, 2013 – President Kelly

II.             Opening comments – President Kelly

III.           Granting of degrees and certificates to May 2013 candidates – Provost Robinson

IV.            Results of Election to College Association – Prof. Thistlewaite

V.              Presentation of nominees for Standing Committees of the Graduate Council for 2013 – 2015 – Prof. Thistlewaite

VI.            Committee on Curriculum and Degree Requirements – Prof. Rollins

a.     Major Items

i.     Proposal – PhD in Business – Joint Degree with Baruch college

ii.     PhD Program in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences- Changes in Bulletin and Degree Reqs.

iii.     PhD program in French – Change in Latin Reqs.

iv.     PhD program in History – New and Revised courses, and several courses withdrawn

b.     Minor items

i.     PhD program in History – Changes to Existing Courses, courses withdrawn

VII.          Committee on Structure – Prof. Vasillou

a.     Changes to the Governance of the Graduate School

b.     Changes to the Bylaws of the Graduate Council

c.      Philosophy – revised governance structure

VIII.        Presentation of Annual Reports of Standing Committees – Prof. Thistlewaite

IX.            University Faculty Senate Report – Prof. Baumrin

X.              New Business

I.               Pres. Kelly opened

a.     Minutes approval (approved)

b.     Announced his leave at the end of the school year to be interim chancellor. Chase Robinson will be interim President. Louise Lennihan will become Interim Provost

c.      Briefly touched on the budget. No problems. The same 5-year plan is in place.

d.     There was a meeting earlier in the day with city council reps. Donald Laird, the architect for the roof project was there with a virtual walkthrough of the space – there will be a large gathering space, garden, and a collection of art commissioned by CUNY students across various campuses

II.             Granting of Degrees – approved

III.           Prof. Thistlewaite then announced the nominees for the Standing Committees of the Graduate Council for 2013 – 2015. Student and faculty positions were open on all of the committees: Committee on Structure, Committee on Student Services, Committee on Research, Committee on Committees, Committee on Information Technology, and the Library Committee

IV.            Our own Professor Rollins then announced curriculum and degree requirements – all approved


a.     Proposal for a PhD in business in conjunction with Baruch

b.     Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences – Changes were made to the bulletin regarding degree requirements for statistical training

c.      French program – Latin will now only be required for students studying pre-modern literature

d.     PhD program in History – several new and revised courses. Several courses withdrawn, including studies in Russian, Eastern and Asian history

V.              Prof. Vasillou then announced the following changes:

a.     Changes to the Governance of the Grad School – Profs who aren’t on faculty of the Graduate Center are now eligible to teach in the MALS program.

b.     Changes to bylaws – the Chair on Standing Committees will now serve for 2 years.

c.      Philosophy – Revised governance structure. The number of representatives to be increased from 3 to 5.

VI.            Prof. Thistlewaite was then going to present the Annual Report of the Standing Committees but this didn’t end up happening.

VII.          Prof. Baumrin then gave the Faculty Senate Report

a.     Announced President Kelly’s leave of absence

b.     Academy of Arts and Sciences at the GC approved travel grants for 50 faculty members

c.      Executive Committee Elections were held the night before (didn’t get the names of who was elected)

d.     The new retirement policy for the GC was deferred because of an objection by the PSC. The new policy would have granted Grad Center faculty access to their TIAA-Cref accounts while still actively teaching. No news if the retirement policy would be revised or if it would go up for another vote.

VIII.        Finally, President Kelly asked if there was any new business.

a.     Someone from the Executive committee of the Grad Council stood and asked for a resolution of heartfelt thanks to President Kelly for his years of service (all clapped).