Monthly Archives: December 2012

December Grad Council Meeting

by Sarah Kostecki and Kristofer Petersen-Overton

I. President Kelly
II. Prof. Rollins on curriculum and degree changes
III. University Faculty Senate report
IV. New business

I. President Kelly on the state of the university:

a. No sign of budget cuts that would affect the GC and an attempt to open a new residence hall in Long Island City is in the works. The one in Harlem very popular (there’s a long waiting list) and in the green, much to everyone’s surprise.
b. The GC continues to push for better student funding packages, while simultaneously reducing incoming class size; the goal, according to Kelly is to “make sure each incoming class has better funding than the previous…” They’re also exploring ways to offer greater funding opportunities for current students and those in dissertation phase especially.
c. An emphasis on professional development is set take effect next semester. The GC just hired Jennifer Furlong of the Chronicle of Higher Education to lead the professional development initiative beginning this February (nothing more specific was offered). The idea is to offer greater placement opportunities for graduating students. Furlong recently helped NYU develope a similar focus on professional development.
Also, Kelly announced that new digital signs will replace the easels by the elevators on each floor. New spaces will be made available for posters and fliers.
II. The “dapper” Professor Rollins walked us through curriculum and degree changes. Nothing big here. Sarah and I voted in favor of each item.
Major items:
a. MALS – New track in Sustainability , Science, and Education (Approved)
b. MALS – New course MALS 75600 Sustainability and Human Ecodynamics (Approved)
c. MALS – New course MALS 75700 Field Course in Island Long Term Human Ecodynamics (Approved)
d. MALS – New track in individualized studies (Approved)
e. Ph.D. program in Psychology – LPBA name change (Approved)
f. Ph. D. program in Comparative Literature – Change in language requirement (Approved)
Minor items:
a. MALS 70500 – Repeatable course, change to existing course (Approved)
b. Ph.D. Program in Anthropology – Human anatomy change in course credits, change to existing course (Approved)

III. The University Faculty Senate (UFS) reported on its recent passage (63-3) of a non-binding board resolution to place a moratorium on the infamous Pathways initiative. Though non-binding, the resolution is the strongest rebuke yet to Chancellor Goldstein and his minions — ahem — administration. If you’re interested in the content of the resolution, you can find it here: Moreover, the UFS is launching an investigation into the possible impact of Pathways. The investigation is slated to begin immediately, though doubts were expressed as to whether or not such an effort could begin so soon.

The UFS also reported that NY state has cut funding in a way that reduces CCNY’s budget for furniture and equipment by $120 million. Chancellor Goldstein has said there is funding set aside for this already, but the UFS rep speculated that there may still be a $90 million shortfall once the money made form the sale of 80th St. is accounted for (~$30 million).

IV. There was no new business to discuss.

December DSC meeting

From Flan and John. 

Every DSC meeting begins w/ an update about some program or service at the GC.  At this meeting, we heard from Bob Hatcher, Director of the Wellness Center.

  •  Student Counseling Services:
  • For more details, see:—Wellness/Couseling-Services
    • The GC has 2 full-time counselors, one 3/4th time counselor + 6 grad student counselors
    • For those of you struggling with your first year of grad school, please don’t feel alone!  36% of students come during their first year.
    • Couples and group counseling services available (no time limit on group sessions)
    • The Center also offers workshops
      • Examples: the imposter syndrome; getting what you need from your adviser; countless procrastination workshops, parenting in grad school; coping w/ field work
  • Student health services
    • We have 1 nurse practitioner
    • Health insurance not required.  40% of students who visit do not have health insurance (go USA)
    • Hours:
      • Mondays between 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
        Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm.
        Wednesdays between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.
        The Nurse Practitioner is not on site on Fridays
    • Get tested for tuberculosis and STDs
    • Also offers workshops, including the Wellness Festival; Ergonomics workshop, Cancer awareness program, and HIV screening

We then heard updates from various DSC committee chairs.  Here are few highlights that you might find relevant:

  • Sign up for the DSC listserve here:
  • New fellowship packages updates:
    • The DSC voted unanimously to form a new ad hoc committee delegated w/ formulating a response
      • We know lots of you are interested in this issue, so we’ll be sure to keep you updated
      • The ad hoc group will work closely w/ a number of other groups (ex: the Adjunct Project)
    • Most reps agreed that there is considerable anger among their constituents about the generous new packages that will be offered only to incoming students.
    • Anne Donlon, our co-chair of communications, reported that both President Kelly and Provost Robinson told her that they *might* push for reduced course load for current for current ECFs…once incoming students begin teaching (so not until fall 2014)
    • Chancellor Goldstein has been unsympathetic to complaints that GC restructuring will make us less diverse.  I didn’t get the exact quote, but he told one of our chairs something to the effect of, “If strengthening our program means restricting admission and admitting only the best students, then I have no problem with that.”
  • Movie pass prices are going up to $6.50, effective immediately.  Reminder: you can buy passes in the main DSC office (5495), but you need to pay by check. See:
  • NYSHIP rates are also going up a few dollars (I just received my letter in the mail yesterday; you should be getting one soon if you haven’t already).  This is the biggest increase yet.
  • Many lockers in the DSC rooms are not being used.  Emails will be going out soon…if your locker is empty, you will lose it.  That means those of us sans locker will get another shot soon.
  • Room reservations
  • There will be gender neutral bathrooms on the 1st and 5th floors at an undisclosed future date.  I’m not sure yet if this will affect our current bathrooms on the 5th floor.
  • Blood drive updates:
    • The DSC passed a resolution in May asking that blood drives no longer be held at the GC until the FDA lifts the ban on the blood of men who have sex with men.
    • The DSC has received support from the administration, and the October blood drive at the GC was canceled.  
    • DSC reps recently met with reps from the administration and from the New York Blood Center (NYBC).  The New York Blood Center reports that it does not have enough buses to hold the blood drives off-campus by the GC, as the DSC has suggested.  DSC reps continued to defend their position, urging the NYBC to look for other resources.  I’ll keep you updated.
    • See GC Advocate coverage here:
  • If you’re on Twitter, check out the #USSFAIL Twitter Campaign.  The University Student Senate has a budget of $330,000, paid for by us.  The DSC recently conducted an excellent audit, which you can find here:  Look for an investigative piece coming soon from the GC Advocate.
  • We also heard an update on the DSC budget (remember, the student activity fee you pay every semester w/ your tuition goes to the DSC).  There was concern expressed that the $108,150 spent by the DSC on the wellness center should be coming from other sources.  
  • The new CUNY dorms are bringing in a profit.
  • The GC currently does not offer any type of parental leave for students, and the DSC has formed an ad hoc committee in response.  The committee will meet w/ the Provost in Jan.  

As always, please let John McMahon or me know if you have any questions or concerns that you’d like us to take the the next DSC meeting.