Professor Donald Robotham, Director of the Advanced Research Collaborative; EO of Educational Opportunity & Diversity Programs; Doctoral Program Anthropology
Educational Opportunity & Diversity Programs
1. Black Male Initiative
- Fund students to recruit applicants to Pipeline program
- Pay for students to come into interviews
- Go to conferences to recruit students
2. Magnet Fellowships
- Entering GC across all fields
- Underrepresented groups
- 8 scholarships
- $24,000-$25,000, 5 years
- increased from 18K
- service: mentor students in Pipeline Program Years 1-3
- equivalent to teaching in CUNY college
- 3rd year: manage Magnet-Pipeline program
- $24,000-$25,000, 5 years
- must be nominated by department
- In addition to Magnet, some other money for in-state tuition
- 1 year – apply every year
- renewable
- 1 year – apply every year
- can be applied for after entering GC
- every person who has applied got at least tuition
3. Pipeline program
- encourage students in CUNY schools to apply to doctoral programs
- Tutoring from GC Magnet Fellows
- Choosing schools to apply to
- Working on applications – “craft” of admissions process
- Navigating Admissions Committee
- GRE Workshops
- Funding for grad school applications
- Spring semester: model graduate school
- Smaller seminars
- Longer research papers
- Matches Magnet Fellow program
Advanced Research Collaborative
- New institution: drive collaborate and interdisciplinary research
- Bring in fellows
- 1 group from outside CUNY
- 1 group from CUNY campuses
- Trying to bring students in more and create grant program for this year
- Shape student research projects
- Small grants ($1000 and less) for collaborative, interdisciplinary plans
- Not too onerous of requirements
- Hopes to get this in place this semester
- Future years will depend on budget
Eero Laine, Co-Chair Student Affairs
- Middle Eastern Studies Association in process of de-chartering
- DSC Governance Task Force
- Administration seems to be interested in taking this up
- Many program governance documents not updated in a decade or more
- Roach Motel/Bill Kelly statement
Anne Donlon, Co-Chair for Communications
- Digital Signage
- Some installed, more coming
- Signagesuggestions@gc.cuny.edu
- should be open to all students to post on all screens
- any students to post on DSC screens should be sent to ccc@gc.cuny.edu
- some flex time (approx. 3 days to appear)
- include dates students would like it to appear
- New Interim Steering Committee meetings
- Meeting with Chase Robinson, Polly THistlewaite, Mike Byers
- Student Services for basement of library intended
- Move DSC and all 5th floor student
- Use 5th floor space for offices for research centers, etc.
- Parental Leave Working Group requested meeting
- Put off pending consult with CUNY Legal
- In Meeting with Pres. Kelly, made some decisions
- Plan for childbirth leave
- Different than parental leave (which would include parents of various genders and would include adoptive parents)
- Only for mothers giving birth during semester of birth
- Makes a medical policy
- Meeting w/Pres. Kelly
- Inside Higher Ed article
- Easel issue
- We would like some kind of bulletin board in high traffic area on every floor
- Concerns about Diversity institution-wide
- Concerns about funding for currently un- or under-funded students
- Student Affairs
- Parental leave
- New Director of Career Planning and Professional Development: Jennifer Furlong
- DSC Nominations currently open
- Plan for childbirth leave
- Student Services for basement of library intended
Co-Chair for Business, Colin Ashley
- Program allocations announced next week
- Updated budget next Plenary
- Present 2013-2014 Budget next Plenary
- Imagine what re-structuring will do
- Movie tickets now $6.50
- Website
- Couldn’t use
- Trying to find more money to meet other bids
- Blood drive
- Bus/van will be on 34th or 35th St. next week
- Encourage people to donate blood and ALSO recognize why we wanted blood drive off-campus
- Chose not to re-appoint Adjunct Project Coordinators for 2013-14 year
- Disconnect with Adjunct Project and GC adjunct labor issues
- Question of labor of coordinators and of relationship
- Appropriately connected to mission?
USS Delegate, Christine Nadler
- Run-around re: FOIA request
- Will be writing something regarding budget issues and misuse of funds
- Have received some budget information
- Still waiting on some other information: correspondence between USS and CUNY central offices
- What was the communication chain re: Video produced by USS in support of Pathways
- Claiming that there are no records
- Work on #USSFail campaign
- Creating a permanent USS Committee
- Make it in bylaws
- Particularly as relations get contentious
- Audit of USS finally happening
- Hasn’t happened in 10 years
- Have firm
- Not official audit this year – only evaluation of the records
- Data back from Parental Leave survey
- Looking for broader policy (EX: includes adoption)
- What was the communication chain re: Video produced by USS in support of Pathways
- Will be writing something regarding budget issues and misuse of funds
UFS Delegate – Stefanie Jones.
- Gender-Neutral bathrooms
- 1st floor bathroom will be wheelchair accessible
- 5thfloor bathroom: Q about accessibility
- will they go ahead
- Wellness Center
- Racism and Mental Illness in the Academy conference coming up
- UFS met last week
- Resolution on academic freedom at Brooklyn College
- Kroll Report
- Not-independent report on Baruch BOT
- Will be read in executive session = kick everyone out
- Which is probably illegal
- CUNY undergrad students probably getting false information
- Claim that classes have been approved, but in actuality this has happened without faculty consultation
- Putting all eggs in basket of lawsuit against Pathways
- Preliminary state and city CUNY budget
Resolution re: Student Center
- 5409, 5414, 5489, computer lab, program offices
- First step to get Plenary on board and informed about importance of the space
- Next meeting at beginning of March w/Provost and others
- Planning to move everyone off the 5thfloor and get rid of all the student space on C level of library
- 5th floor would become office space for research centers and offices for retired professors
- ideas: send them
Bylaw changes (presentation only)
Resolution on CUNY Catalog
Officer for Funding – Jen Tang
- One more round of grants to be considered
- Must be used by June 30
- Usually up to $750, but can apply for more
- Write for start-up grants up to $150
- Quick approval for small amounts
- Can be submitted on rolling basis
- Cunydsc.org/grants
- Find attachments of tips for writing grants
- Use screens
Dominique Nispersos, Office for Student Life & Services
- Comfort stations in library positive feedback
- Throughout semester
- More massages throughout semester
- Student Survey
- 2nd week of March
- looking for places for discounts
Nicole Hansen – Officer for Outreach
- something at Baruch
- International Student Town Hall
- Social event at Queens
- PSA Mentoring
- Meeting of Ad-Hoc Committee on Student Fellowships
- Hierarchal flow chart: policy decision tree within CUNY
- Outreach team
- People to be involved and not representatives
- Student Representation on program standing committees
- Administration telling people everything is confidential, which is wrong
- Pursuing broader application of Open Meetings Law
- Send feedback/ideas (outreach@cunydsc.org)
Monique Whitaker, Officer for Health and Wellness
- Monday afternoon coffee breaks, 2-4pm
- Upcoming Student NYSHIP Workshop
- Run by students for students
- How not to get stuck with large bills unexpectedly
- GC Wellness Festival: April 15 on C level
- Affordable Care Act free birth control will not apply to GC/NYSHIP because of status of “students”
- Health Service flyer
Governance and Membership
- Trying to fill seats
Technology and Library, Kristin Moriah
- Printing
- Admin pushing quota system
- Occupy Data: Feb. 23
- Hackathon: March 1 and 2