Bill Kelly
- Open Meetings
- Provost calling on all EOs to evaluate compliance with bylaws
- 5/15 deadline to be compliant
- not compliant: à Provost OR Structure Committee of Grad Council
- had not received any complaints in 15 years
- Especially vis-à-vis student
- Not honors system but a set of bylaws
- Own program bylaws must be in compliance
- Not going to go on “witchunt”/not going to be
- Can submit complaint anonymously to Grad Council or Provost
- Current legal opinion: Program Standing Committees not subject to NYS Open Meetings Law
- Do not necessarily want single specifically spelled out regulations – takes away local control
- Funding Gap
- Used to have almost no fellowships, much less valuable fellowships
- In most years, have increased value or increased work
- Trying to be like other universities with fellowships
- “striking breakthrough” this year
- yes, is still funding gap
- will try to build, but in meantime…
- find way to reduce teaching load moving forward
- doesn’t kick in until 2014
- adjuncts
- difficult at universities
- determined at universities, determined by collective bargaining – not much he can do
- dissertation fellowships
- 89 this year
- try to grow pot every year
- this spring, money to small grants for research
- tuition waiver and health insurance for all who work as adjuncts
- extending beyond 5 years not high on list of things to send money to
- will “take under consideration” possibility of making it 10 semesters used however you want
- find way to reduce teaching load moving forward
- NYSHIP in Dissertation Fellowships
- NYSHIP – have to be student employee, but Dissertation Fellowships usually work-free
- Asked Provost’s Office to look at options over the summer
- New Chancellor
- Goldstein leaving as “huge loss” – “remarkable” leadership
- Has evinced “unstinting” support from Graduate Center
- Board will name Interim, then national search conducted
- Probably BoT naming Trustees on committee, then faculty and student representation and an alumni rep
- Probably asking UFS and USS to delegate someone
- Goldstein leaving as “huge loss” – “remarkable” leadership
- Maybe potentially CUNY university press
- Potential partnership with University of Liverpool Press
- Think it will happen pretty soon
Co-Chair for Student Affairs
- Will figure out way to coordinate governance/meeting concerns
- Be in contact with DSC
- 6.4b on DSC Website – direct recommendation to graduate council
- 10% of students sign on to petition if problems directly to Grad Council
- elections still open, VOTE
- OpenCUNY hiring coordinators
- Looking for new Editor-in-Chief of Advocate
- Creating Emeritus DSC Leadership Advisory Board
- Parental Leave Working Group
- Working Group executive summary of survey results and policy recommendation
- All full time GC students without gender of method of family forming, without regard to fellowship status
- Automatic extension of deadlines
- 1 semester salary at half of GCF with minimum health requirement
- retain status and tuition remission
- full health care
- Draft GC Policy
- All kinds of parenting
- Academic accommodation for all GC students
- Negotiation: work accommodation available only to GC fellowship students, only people working within CUNY, or all GC students
- Expect in place by September 1
- Working Group executive summary of survey results and policy recommendation
- Information Technology
- Email project postponed/all off
- Migration to CUNYFirst
- Business End (admin parts of Banner): June
- More info in fall
- Student printing data collection: status quo
- Pursuing GC portal through (open source)
- Wireless upgrade
- Institutional Research
- Received results of Doctoral Students Survey
- Master Survey underway
- Auxiliary Enterprise: manage revenue
- Rentals, dining primary sources of revenue
- Money held in reserve for student housing
- Looking at student housing site in Long Island City
- Meeting with Pres. Kelly
- Parental leave
- Condom dispensers in bathrooms
- Condoms and other barrier forms in bathrooms on 5th floor
- Student Affairs
- Update on stipend limits/term limits
- Robinson will not be pursuing relocation of student center to C level
- Spend money in May
- DSC Website: “Soft overhaul”
- Update
- Navigation and menu problem fixed
- Aesthetic upgrade
- Blood Drive coming up in June
- Balance blood drive v. discriminatory practice
USS Delegate
- FOAI emails received
- USS continues to be
UFS Delegate
- CUNY 2020 – skeptical
- UFS passed resolution against extension of Pathways Committee
Internet Research Team: Chartered
DSC Budget 2013-2014
- Will continue subsidizing medical tests for uninsured students
- Small reduction in grants
- Discretionary down for Steering, Exec
- Less money for GC Advocate freelancers
- More money for OpenCUNY, UFS delegate
- Slightly smaller party budget
- Slight smaller office supply budget
Bylaw Changes
- Governance Task Force
- USS Standing Committee
- Changes to Grants Processes
- Funding increase for start-up grants
Constitution Change
- Add additional duties to USS Delegate (chair USS Student Advisory Committee)
Response to Open Meeting Letter
- Potential lawsuit to apply Open Meetings Law to program standing committees
- CUNY never applied OML without lawsuit
- Push back on claim by CUNY Counsel that program student committees
- Consultation with attorneys
- Pretty much all we have left
- Why do this?
- Lots of leeway in interpretation of laws
- Students on Exec have voice on all policy
- What students allowed to hear and communicate to constituents varies by program and by issue
- Applying OML would clarify what situations are actually allowed to be kept confidential
- Which situations would actually be able to kept closed and not communicated
- Could compile out-of-compliance governance documents
- Engage in education campaign regarding rights to representation
- Request to be present OML and governance issues at an all-EO meeting
Student Life and Services
- Survey still open
- Have reached N
- Try to get more
- Average respondent: Level III, not taking clases
- Comfort stations will be happening
- Looking for folks to lead meditations
- Supplies for kitchenettes
- Queen College – first week of May
- International Student Town Hall: April 30
- Updated CUNY Power chart coming soon!
- CUNY, GC, DSC, programs
Health and Wellness
- Wellness Festival last week
- Health posters and flyers available and up
- Updates to website
- Added to NYSHIP providers
- Health and Wellness survey coming soon
Governance and Membership
- Constitution and bylaws up to date on website!
- each page will include date last updated
- Grants
Library and Technology
- Mac Lab on C level library – use it!
- Can reserve room through IT website
- In danger of losing it
- Ideas about what to do with MacLab? Send them to kmoriah AT gc DOT cuny DOT edu
- IT Student Equipment Loan Program – use them!!!
- See IT Website: camcorder, flip cap, netbook, webcams, macbooks, recorders
- Still have grants to disburse: Ad Hoc Committee for Student Tech Workshop Facilitation Grant